Getting ‘Finterested’ to share knowledge and bring back native fish — ASN Events

Getting ‘Finterested’ to share knowledge and bring back native fish (14008)

Siwan Lovett 1
  1. Australian River Restoration Centre, Canberra, ACT, Australia

In 2013, after ten years of community engagement, research, practical workshops and knowledge sharing forums, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s coordinating role for the Native Fish Strategy was terminated. This action has cast doubt over the future of the Native Fish Strategy, but there are signs that a form of the Strategy may be resurrected through a different avenue and expanded to cover the whole of Australia, including estuaries. While conversations are continuing about this possible expansion, the big question facing all those involved in the Native Fish Strategy was how to ensure the legacy of great work, contacts, information and initiative was not lost. It was also considered important to keep the community of researchers, practitioners and ‘fishy folk’ together, sharing and building on the knowledge accumulated over the first ten years of the Native Fish Strategy.

This presentation will talk about how the legacy of the Native Fish Strategy is being used to support those in our community who value and care about fish, as well as extending the reach of this knowledge to anyone ‘Finterested’ in fish. A range of different communication approaches are being used, with opportunities provided for anyone to share their knowledge through a vibrant website and social media community. Our vision is to bring native fish back by providing inspiration, knowledge and insight for anyone interested in Australian freshwater fish. Please come and join us at this presentation so you can help to realise this vision, we welcome your input and ideas.

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